Project description Limestone
quarries are nutrient-poor, relatively dry and warm habitats which make
them suitable for habitat specialists. Most of these species are poor
competitors and therefore have become rare in the agricultural
landscapes of Central Europe.
A quarry is an ideal refuge especially for early-successional species. One of the most endangered habitat types in Central Europe are calcareous grasslands. Abandoned quarries could become important secondary sites for calcareous grasslands after proper restoration. Calcareous grasslands support high numbers of endangered plant species and are well known for their richness in wild bees and bumble bees. So, why not trying to save both wild bees and endangered plants in one of the quarries of HeidelbergCement? ... Weiter lesen » |
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Wildbienenweide als neuartiges Element der Steinbruchrenaturierung
Projektgebiet ... Weiter lesen » |